

  • Product Name:Gossypol-acetic acid

Product Details


English NameGossypol-acetic acid

CAS No.12542-36-8

Molecular FormulaC32H34O10

Molecular Weight578.61

Molecular structure: 

AppearanceYellow or light yellow crystals, odorless and sour


Identification methodsMass, NMR

Analysis methodHPLC-DAD or/and HPLC-ELSD

Extraction Source--

UsageFor the determination and identification, pharmacological experiments.

Storage4Refrigerated, sealed, dark.

Expiration2 years

Package20mg, 50mg, 100mg, 1g, 10g, 100g, 1kg... The company can provide a large number of high-purity Gossypol-acetic acid according to customer requirements.


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